“When ministry is the goal, that changes everything. We create music that prioritizes ministry over industry standards. It’s about collaboration, not competition. It’s about getting our songs in the hands of the church, locally and globally, not just on billboards.”

-Ciara Reyes-Ton, Founder of the Mount Carmell Worship Collective

Jesus Came to Save

“Jesus Came to Save” is Gospel song that proclaims the simplicity of the Gospel message: Jesus came to save. He came to seek and save the lost. He came that we might have life. He came not to condemn us. But he came that the world through him might be saved.

This song was a runner-up for a recent contest - more news coming soon!

Lead vocals & Spoken word: Ciara Reyes-Ton, Background vocals: Jazmine Rose, Laura Randolph, Samantha Maddox, Kendale LB, Matt Mitchell; Piano/Organ & Producer: Matt Mitchell; Songwriter: Bernard Reyes

Sam Gentry, Music Industry Influencer

“ ‘Jesus Came to Save’ is so beautiful. It sounds like a heavenly choir, and the message is so clear...Jesus truly does save! I love this song.”

Come Alive

“Come Alive” is an environmental folk song written for Green 2.0 “Breathing Life into Dormant Seeds” contest. The message of the song is simple and sincere - it’s a song for the seeds that have been planted, watered, and nurtured but have not grown. It is a song of hope for our individual and collective future in a time where hope is hard to come by. It is also a prayer for the flourishing of people and our planet.

Lead vocals: Ciara Reyes-Ton, Background vocals: Jazmine Rose, Guitar & Producer: Ben Boddy Songwriter: Ciara Reyes-Ton

Rev. Dr. Ben Lowe, Executive Director at A Rocha

“"Come Alive" is a prayer of persevering hope in song form. It lifts up our longings for God's world and our collective future in a time where hope can often feel elusive.”

Heather Bennett, Executive Director at Blessed Earth Tennessee

“‘Come Alive’ watered my very parched soul and reminded me that I am not alone; we are not alone. In a very harsh and chaotic time, the lyrics and music are a calming reassurance with a gentle call to action: the time is now.”


"Delight" is a song our founder Ciara Reyes-Ton wrote for her children - scriptural truths and messages for them. The song is inspired by Psalms 37:4 about delighting, trusting, and committing to God because he will take care of us and grant us the desires of our heart. It is also a song of surrendering our will to him because while he knows our hearts desires, he also knows whats best for us and what we really need. It is a song for the kids in your life, and any and everyone!

It is our Worship Collective’s official submission recorded live for NPR’s 2025 Tiny Desk Contest.

Lead vocals: Ciara Reyes-Ton, Background vocals: Jazmine Rose, Guitar & Producer: Grant Argent, Cajon: Shawn Willard; Songwriter: Ciara Reyes-Ton

Matt Wheeler, Worship Music Leader and Singer-Songwriter

"‘Delight’ is a fittingly named song - for its Scripture reference, but also for its joyful and exultant tone. This reminder to focus intently on God’s will is presented in a such a winsome and memorable way. Well done!"

For God So Loved the World

“For God So Loved the World,” is a worship song inspired by John 3:16, one of the most well-known scriptures in the Bible, and for good reason. It is the core Gospel message in one simple and beautiful sentence. This song was funded in part by Science for the Church through a grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.

Lead vocals: Ciara Reyes-Ton and Kimberly Thomas, Background vocals: Ciara and Kim, Jazmine Rose, Viona Okwii Brown, Musician and Producer: Matt Mitchell, Songwriters: Ciara Reyes-Ton and Jazmine Rose

Byron (Mr. Talkbox) Chambers, Grammy Nominated and Dove Award Winning Artist

"Ciara and Kim display their hearts for God’s word through this powerful song 'For God So Loved The World.' I especially enjoyed the melody of this song and the vocal abilities of both artists in conveying its message. If you need a reminder of how much God loves us all, please listen to this amazing song."

Taste and See

"Taste and See" is an invitation to experience the goodness of God all around us. The world comes alive with wonder, and God's love permeates everything. This song was funded in part by Science for the Church through a grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.

Lead and Background vocals: Jazmine Rose, Guitar: Grant Argent, Produced by Grant Argent and Jazmine Rose, Songwriter: Jazmine Rose

Rev. Courtney Ellis, Pastor, Presbyterian Church of the Master, Author of “Looking Up

“"Taste and See" offers a lyrical invitation to experience the wonder and grace of God through creation. It's a reminder that the same God who made the stars knows your name and holds you in love.”

New Every Day

"New Every Day" is a Christian acoustic worship song inspired by Lamentations 3:22-23. It contextualizes the daily mercies of God's faithfulness within a modern framework of a broken world. It poses relevant questions many today are wondering like "Where is the love in a world full of hate? Where is the beauty in a world full of pain?" and reminds us that things won't always be this way, but until then, thank God that his mercies are new every day and for his great faithfulness.

Lead vocals: Ciara Reyes-Ton, Harmonies: Jazmine Rose, Guitar: Grant Argent, Songwriter: Ciara Reyes-Ton

“What an absolutely beautiful song! This song brings so much peace & joy! This song turned my heart towards gratitude for a God that gives new mercy every single day.”

-Seany Le’Rue, Singer-Songwriter

“I was blessed by ‘New Every Day’ and started it right over after the first listen to hear it a second time and let it wash over me again. I love the clean organic acoustic sound and the pure harmony. My Carolina roots resonate with this folk style. Most importantly, the heart of this song resonates with the text that inspired it. Beautiful.”

-Rev. Dr. Kim McLean, Pastor & Singer-songwriter

To Become Human

“To Become Human” is a faith and science worship song that explores the biology and theology of what it means to be human, putting this in conversation with the incarnation.

…there’s something beautiful about God becoming one of us, entering our world as a child, in a fleshy body just like our own, confining his vastness and containing his divinity in the person of Jesus. - Ciara Reyes-Ton

“‘To Be Human’ is a beautiful song that explores humanity in a thoughtful, creative way. Along with Ciara’s amazing voice and solid musical production, I found myself drawn to the lyrics, reflecting on what it means to be human.”

-Marcus Hill, former Drummer for Mandisa

“‘To Become Human’ tells a narrative I’ve never heard before in a song and [everything] comes together in a way that brings you to a deeper connection with God’s creative nature.”

-Marie Claire Mitchell, Singer-songwriter


You can listen to our music on all streaming platforms including Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music. You can also listen to new and unreleased music on our Soundcloud, Instagram, as well as our Youtube Channel. You can support us by listening to our music and sharing it.

Spotify Playlist.

We are curating a growing list of faith and science worship songs for the broader faith science community and for the Church. Checkout our playlist which includes our music, and music from the Porter’s Gate, Jonathan Ogden and more. Contact us to suggest more songs to add to this list.